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Updated: Jun 12, 2019

Learn a new skill. There are so many things to learn, such as how to knit, crochet, dance, draw, paint, rock climbing, fishing, cooking, and more. Read a book, blog, etc.

Take a real estate course. Real estate can be very successful and everything depends on the speed and effort you put into it,

Take a sales course. Taking a sales course could even help you gain more confidence and it have much in common with real estate

Take a course in social media networks. Become an entrepreneur, create a youtube channel, convert it into a part-time job and over time it can give you freedom.

The word freedom is what most people don't have in a job, so a YouTube channel could give you that freedom.

If you have freedom, then there is a great possibility that you continue in your career.

Don't forget to Practice managing your time: day, month, half year, year

Set short and long goals.

If you're looking for things to do instead of watching TV, then reading is a much better option!

Go to the library. You can borrow books, which you can bring home and have a fun night in with friends and/or family.

Go to a museum. When was the last time you went to a museum?Attend a concert. Even better, find free concerts in your area!

Learn how to invest. Investing is important because it means you are making your money work for you. If you weren’t investing, your money would just be sitting there and not earning a thing.

This is important to note because $100 today will not be worth $100 in the future if you just let it sit under a mattress or in a checking

Yoga. Meditate, Geocache, Go for a bike ride, Go for a hike, Go rock climbing.Go for a walk play with your pet. Go for a swim. Look at the stars .Go fishing. Go camping. Have a picnic. Have a bonfire, watch the sunset or sunrise. Find free attractions in your city. Train for a marathon.

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